Dave here... And I have one very important question for you:

Ready to experience Legendary LIVE and mingle with like minded individuals while learning cutting edge strategies from top-notch marketers? 

Covid-19 Update: Due to the changing landscape of the coronavirus pandemic, we are currently evaluating when we will host our next in-person mastermind. In the meantime, we are hosting LIVE virtual masterminds on Zoom as an additional bonus! The virtual masterminds are free to attend for anyone who has purchased a mastermind ticket.

If you're ready to LEVEL UP your Business Strategies & attend our Legendary Marketer Mastermind... Then LISTEN UP!

And if you know anything about what's gone down in our nearly 8 years of business....

...besides helping well over 200,000 people start an online business from scratch (most of whom had floundered around before finding us)….

…besides building the #1 most supportive community in our industry….

...one thing that sometimes gets overlooked because Legendary Marketer has flat turned the marketing world on its head over the last few years, is the fact that....

Our Events Are Arguably The Most Epic And Impactful Live 'Experiences' In This Industry

And I don't say "experiences" lightly. 
You are NOT just coming to any old event.

You’re Gaining Access To The Most Transformational Leadership Factory That Exists In This Industry

Now... Here’s A Secret You May Not Know… 

Successful Marketers Fight To Get In The Same Room With Other Successful Marketers - Period.


Because people share more secrets and truths in casual conversations IN PERSON than they do on the internet.

It’s just a fact. It’s human nature.

Just like when you’re with your friends, you talk more honestly and openly with each other than you do on open social media.

You feel more free to share juicy secrets, gossip, and EXACTLY HOW YOU DO THINGS IN REAL LIFE (vs what you portray on social media where things are always happy and perfect).

That’s Why Marketers Fly From All Over The World To Attend To Our Masterminds!

Because they know that just one conversation could be a missing step or strategy they need to try. 

So on top of the breakthrough and badass marketing strategies you’ll learn in  from me and all the leaders who will be in the room....

...it all hails in comparison to the opportunity to "rub shoulders" and hang out with the most influential and successful affiliate marketers out there.

And when I say live and in person -- that’s what I mean.

No this is not some conference so big that you feel lost in the sea of attendees. 

We keep our events small, so you can easily meet, interact, brainstorm with attendees, speakers, and the Legendary team (yes even with Dave). 

It's funny...
Attendees think Dave will be whisked on and off stage and hidden away...


At our Mastermind, Dave is right there, eating lunch, hanging out after speakers are done, and sits down with attendees regularly. We can provide this with ease due to the smaller size we maintain. 

This is also why we SELL OUT. 

When we say spaces are limited...WE MEAN IT. 

If you want a ticket to our Mastermind you have to act fast... because they ALWAYS sell out fast and people end up getting locked out!


Legendary Marketer Masterminds are arguably the most epic and impactful "live experiences" in the online marketing industry...

Because they're intimate.

And because when we gather in one room together it’s like there’s a magical power that guides the direction of what happens and attendees all get exactly what they came for (if you’ve been to a mastermind you know what I’m talking about).

So this isn’t your normal “salesy” sales page...

I really don’t have to sell at all.

It happens like that all the time here at Legendary. 

Every call we do, every webinar we do, every product we release... they all SELL OUT or FILL UP so fast hundreds of people get locked out ... literally ... every time.

Just like what's happened at past masterminds, where we had a limited seats...

... and we had small (and angry) army of people submit support tickets and call our “not so corporate” office furious because they couldn’t get in.

We had no choice but to tell them all the same thing...

Like I said, it's not just our events. 

It’s our webinars, our calls... and everything we do.

I think everything we do sells out so fast because we are so just different here at Legendary.

In an world full of of snake-oil salesman and weirdos... 

We're honest (to a fault sometimes). We have integrity. And we actually give a damn. As you can see...

There's an old saying that goes...

"If you're the smartest person in the room, you need a new room"

But 99% of people don't want to be around smart people because they feel threatened by them. Their insecurities take over. Fear dominates them and as a result they stay broke. 

These are the same people who look great on social media, but in reality they're broke, bitter, and out of control in their relationships and finances.

There's Something Very Different About Successful and Unsuccessful People

But you may not know it unless you spend time around them.

Which is why we want to extend a rare opportunity for you to come spend 3 days with us... 

In Austin, TX...January 31st-Feb 2nd, 2025!

For a mastermind experience unlike any other...

That might just change everything, or at least SOMETHING crucial, in your business growth. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When & Where does the Mastermind take place?
Fun cities and unique boutique style hotels around the US. The exact address can be found on the downloadable PDF "INFO FOR ATTENDEES" in the registration section of your members area after registration for the event.  Our next Mastermind event will be January 31-Feb 2nd in Austin, TX. 
Where should I stay?
More info can be found on the downloadable PDF "INFO FOR ATTENDEES". PLEASE NOTE: All attendees are REQUIRED TO STAY at the HOST HOTEL.
Is there a schedule for the event?
Event doors: 9:00 AM daily
Event: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM daily
We will be providing lunch on site.
Saturday evening is our Legendary Evening Party. DRESS TO IMPRESS and each Mastermind will have it's own THEME so once registered, be sure to grab those details. 
After I buy a ticket – what else do I need to do to register?
Be sure you’ve completed the registration process that will provide you with info about lodging, transportation and other needs. Completing this process will allow you to have the best experience possible! You will be required to stay at the host hotel, we negotiate the best possible rates for our attendees. Plus, being on property it's easy to meet up with one another, catch a bite, a drink, an activity throughout the weekend. 
Can I bring a guest?
If space allows, you can bring a guest for an additional $500. Lunch will provided each day for your guest, as well. You can add on a guest, when you register for a specific event, AFTER you have purchased your ticket.  

We're Making It Even Easier To Attend!

Introducing 2 Options To Secure Your Seat

Refund Policy: You have 30 days from your initial payment to request a refund. No refunds will be given past the 30 days. If on a payment plan, no refunds will be provided after 30 days from when the 1st payment of $1000 was placed. All payments must be completed in order to attend the event.

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